The two met as infants due to a close friendship and singing profession of their two parents. They played at Ron’s childhood farmstead as children, double dated as young adults, and married at Syracuse University in 1953. They were married 69 years this past June. The two lived in Skaneateles for the first several years while starting a family (Carol teaching art at Skaneateles H.S. and private night classes as well as starting a Skaneateles art show, with Ron working at Coals Chemical and starting their young family). They later moved to Downers Grove IL (a suburb of Chicago) and later San Antonio TX, where they each continued their professions, childrearing, and obtaining advanced degrees over this era: Ron, MBA Business; Carol MFA Fine Arts, and living a very active family and church life with their 5 children: Ronda, Sharla, Brian, Brent, and Krista.
Following in the footsteps of the parents that brought them together as infants, Ron and Carol were both active in Master Chorale singing; church deacons; extended family summers on the Lake; and continuing education. They were very committed parents and gave everything they could to instill character, love, and a “can do” attitude that all things are possible. Ron and Carol passed together (as they began life together 91 years ago) in Ron’s Family home, here in Marietta NY, where they were surrounded by their 5 children, and 3 of their 5 grandchildren, Jamie, Lindsey, Rachel, Erik, Scott, and 2 great grandchildren (Genevieve and James Brian). Carol and Ron lived full artful lives and gave themselves fully to their family and community. They will be deeply missed by all whom they touched with their bright spirits.
[Celebration of Life Service was held on November 6th at First Presbyterian, Skaneateles NY (Video stream of their service is available on FB: Love donation to local Hospice or Meals on Wheels, requested] To send condolences: